Waikato Regional Council choose Towerlight Pumps

Waikato Regional Council have chosen the Towerlight MVSS-380 8″ Vacuum assited pump to help with flood control throughout their region. With a maximum capacity of 10,900 ltrs/min and a maximum head of 32 meters the MVSS-380 was choosen due to its capacity and performance and the ability to move it around easily on a tandem trailer. Youngman Richardson & Co Ltd had a custom built tandem trailer complete with pipe racks to make the pump mobile and versitle to the Council making for a quick response if needed.
Powered by a Perkins diesel and only 65 dba the MVSS-380 weights only 2300 kg….comes complete with lockable covers, lifting points, vacuum assit, twin blade impellor and all an a compact package.
For information contact a Youngman Richardson sales person.